The End of a Crisis, the Start of a War
It seems like the big events and Marvel and DC are never going to end. There was a time two years ago when the biggest event that would happen would be a 4 issue story. Since then the fans have been bombarded with more worthless stories than I can count. Finally we are done with the madness of IC, the all of the 6 and 7 part series that really made no large impact on the actual Crisis itself. No more Rann-Thangar War, Day of Vengeance, Villains United, or OMAC project. The worst part is that all of these books were summed up in the actual Crisis issues. If you are going to advertise that you must read "story x" to understand don't tell me what happens in the main story.
The same thing has been going on at Marvel with House of M, the first crapfest of a story that de-powered most of the mutant population. House of M had its own main story but then also featured its own books for nearly every hero Marvel had. All of this led up to "Decimation," the day after M day. Now after all of the Sentinel Squad O.N.E. Generation M (Congrats on being very interesting and showing a reporters perspective), Son of M, and X-men the 198, we have to put up with the 4 dollar issues of Civil War and 52.
Civil War once again beats the dead horse and reintroduces the Mutant Registration Act...err excuse me a new Superhero Registration Act. Basically Marvel feels the same need to turn back the clock as DC does and they can help but stretch stories out as long as possible to make the most money. Either way its time to unleash the latest gimmicks and get rolling.
Basically Civil War gets underway by destroying the New Warriors and blowing up a town...which is sort of fine with me. As much as I loved Night Thrasher and the rest of the New Warriors Marvel destroyed the book when they turned it into a reality show. I was surprised to see Coldheart since the last time I remember seeing her was in an old issue of Spider-Man in an arc involving the Hobgoblin. Kudos on bringing that villain into the fold to get vaporized along with the rest of that town.
So the real story begins with the New Avengers and the X-men picking up the pieces of the New Warriors mess. The scene sort of reminds me of the 911 issue of Amazing where all the heroes are trying to get people out of the wreckage. This leads to She-Hulk being on Larry King and Tony Stark attending a funeral for the children killed on the town incident. One of the mother spits in Starks face afterward and says the blood is on his hands.
Cut to the Human Torch going to a club on a date only to be harassed by idiots that blame him for what the New Warriors did. The next part is ridiculous as the Human Torch is beaten down by a mob of out of shape club goers. Come on, so he was hit on the head with a glass bottle, for some reason I believe a guy that could have turned a mob of idiots into ash should not be so easily taken out. Maybe that’s just me.
Now on to the Baxter building where a bunch of boring dialogue happens about heroes arguing about going public or not. You can basically skip this and get onto the best part of the issue where Captain America kicks the ever loving crap out of S.H.I.E.L.D. Basically Cap gets in an argument about not taking down heroes that don’t want to come into the public, he won't bring down those that risk their lives for the people everyday. It's nice that Cap is not going along and playing the role of a soldier, he is going to stand up for the heroes right to have a secret identity, their freedom to have a choice.
Cap proceeds to take down a force of agents designed to take out heroes that won't reveal themselves. Cap then jumps out of a window and lands on a jet in mid flight. The best line is as follows:
Pilot: "JEEZUS!"
Cap: "Keep Flying Song--and watch that potty mouth!"
Then Cap has the pilot land and not damage the jet, he even takes him out to lunch.
The last page of the issue shows Iron Man, Reed Richards and Yellow Jacket telling the president to push on with the registration bill.
There you have it, the beginning of the Civil War; the worst part of this for me is that Marvel has taken two of my favorite characters and pitted them against each other. I have loved the role Iron Man has played in Amazing recently and his book is doing pretty well as is Caps. It is tough but I am interested to see how the fight between the two goes down. I don't know what side you are on, but I am with Cap on this one, if the result of this book is some Gestapo crap making heroes reveal their identities my love for Marvel will plummet.
The War has begun; whose side are you on?
The same thing has been going on at Marvel with House of M, the first crapfest of a story that de-powered most of the mutant population. House of M had its own main story but then also featured its own books for nearly every hero Marvel had. All of this led up to "Decimation," the day after M day. Now after all of the Sentinel Squad O.N.E. Generation M (Congrats on being very interesting and showing a reporters perspective), Son of M, and X-men the 198, we have to put up with the 4 dollar issues of Civil War and 52.
Civil War once again beats the dead horse and reintroduces the Mutant Registration Act...err excuse me a new Superhero Registration Act. Basically Marvel feels the same need to turn back the clock as DC does and they can help but stretch stories out as long as possible to make the most money. Either way its time to unleash the latest gimmicks and get rolling.
Basically Civil War gets underway by destroying the New Warriors and blowing up a town...which is sort of fine with me. As much as I loved Night Thrasher and the rest of the New Warriors Marvel destroyed the book when they turned it into a reality show. I was surprised to see Coldheart since the last time I remember seeing her was in an old issue of Spider-Man in an arc involving the Hobgoblin. Kudos on bringing that villain into the fold to get vaporized along with the rest of that town.
So the real story begins with the New Avengers and the X-men picking up the pieces of the New Warriors mess. The scene sort of reminds me of the 911 issue of Amazing where all the heroes are trying to get people out of the wreckage. This leads to She-Hulk being on Larry King and Tony Stark attending a funeral for the children killed on the town incident. One of the mother spits in Starks face afterward and says the blood is on his hands.
Cut to the Human Torch going to a club on a date only to be harassed by idiots that blame him for what the New Warriors did. The next part is ridiculous as the Human Torch is beaten down by a mob of out of shape club goers. Come on, so he was hit on the head with a glass bottle, for some reason I believe a guy that could have turned a mob of idiots into ash should not be so easily taken out. Maybe that’s just me.
Now on to the Baxter building where a bunch of boring dialogue happens about heroes arguing about going public or not. You can basically skip this and get onto the best part of the issue where Captain America kicks the ever loving crap out of S.H.I.E.L.D. Basically Cap gets in an argument about not taking down heroes that don’t want to come into the public, he won't bring down those that risk their lives for the people everyday. It's nice that Cap is not going along and playing the role of a soldier, he is going to stand up for the heroes right to have a secret identity, their freedom to have a choice.
Cap proceeds to take down a force of agents designed to take out heroes that won't reveal themselves. Cap then jumps out of a window and lands on a jet in mid flight. The best line is as follows:
Pilot: "JEEZUS!"
Cap: "Keep Flying Song--and watch that potty mouth!"
Then Cap has the pilot land and not damage the jet, he even takes him out to lunch.
The last page of the issue shows Iron Man, Reed Richards and Yellow Jacket telling the president to push on with the registration bill.
There you have it, the beginning of the Civil War; the worst part of this for me is that Marvel has taken two of my favorite characters and pitted them against each other. I have loved the role Iron Man has played in Amazing recently and his book is doing pretty well as is Caps. It is tough but I am interested to see how the fight between the two goes down. I don't know what side you are on, but I am with Cap on this one, if the result of this book is some Gestapo crap making heroes reveal their identities my love for Marvel will plummet.
The War has begun; whose side are you on?
All of these massive crossovers are wearing me out. You really hit it on the head with the $4 issue thing, too.
That said, the scene with Cap and the jet was great.
I really liked the first issue of Civil War. I side with Cap on this one.
I agree that Marvel and DC seem obsessed with THE BIG EVENT right now - but I've been saying for a long time that I'd like more one-shots and shorter (3- or 4-part) story arcs.
However, I did read most of the Infinite Crisis stuff and I suspect I'll do the same with Civil War.
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