‘Meister’s Musings: 52: The First Week

Well, Infinite Crisis is finally over. And we all know what that means: MEGA-EVENT #458908634698693.3 is here! This time ‘round, it’s 52, the weekly comic filling in the gaps left by the One Year Later jump. Here’s a quick roundup of what’s happening in the first issue. I’ve got some general comments first, and then an actual summary for those who just want to know what’s happening but don’t want to spend $2.50 every week for a year. I could do that mental math, but I really don’t wanna. Don’t worry, though, I’ll put a clear warning of when the summary starts for those who don’t want it to be spoiled for them.
If you don’t know what 52 is, I have to wonder what rock you’ve been living under the past, oh, 6 months or so. DC’s claiming it’s one of their most ambitious projects ever; if they pull it off, I think it could actually be pretty cool. Assuming they can avoid delays, as that would cripple the whole idea of 52, I really think a ‘real-time’ comic is a pretty good idea. So, in a world without Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, we get to see the stories of the other people in the DCU, and see their stories unfold. Should be quite a ride.
Here we go. I’ll try to do this as chronologically as I can. Since the issue is broken into days, I’ll go for that too. Sounds decent enough to me.
Week 1
Day 1
Ralph Dibny (The Elongated Man, whose wife Sue died in Identity Crisis) is standing in the wreckage of his house, which has literally been cut in half. It’s a mess. He’s clearly on the edge of a nervous breakdown, and it talking to someone on the phone who’s worried he was hurt in the Monster Society’s tear through Opal City, which presumably caused his housing woes.
Renee Montoya of the GCPD is in a bar, getting drunk like mad. Seems to be a common occurrence lately.
Steel is helping out at a rescue effort in Paris, cleaning up the damage from IC.
Day 2
Ralph’s looking at a picture of his wife, listening to the person on the phone talk about rumors about who’s still alive and who’s dead after IC.
Montoya’s still drinking.
Steel’s still helping out, looking for Green Arrow, who apparently saved some people.
Day 3
There’s going to be a memorial service for all of the dead heroes in Metropolis. Ralph plans on going.
Montoya’s still drinking, but now she’s depressed about lots o’ people dying.
Day 4
Steel’s hanging around, talking to a St. Louis fireman about how the good guys won.
Day 5
Since Superman is gone, Booster Gold is the new hero in town. Since he has knowledge of the future (being from the future and all), he’s able to stop crimes right when they start, so he’s become mega-popular since he’s mega-successful. Corporate sponsorships abound, as does product placement. Good ol’ Booster’s making a killing taking advantage of the future’s history. His flying robotic companion, Skeets, provides all of the info for him, and also tells him when he needs to look sad about all of the death and destruction. Pretty amusing stuff, actually. Furthermore, according to the future records, it turns out that Superman gave some historic speech at the planned memorial service that became legendary for its message of hope, and it also ushered in a new era for the Justice League. Booster hopes to be a part of it, since it will bring him even more sponsorships.
Ralph Dibny is staying at a hotel, and he has a voice mail message telling him someone left a note on his wife’s grave. Good thing he listened to the message when he did, since he had a gun in his mouth and was ready to end it all. But now he has a crime to solve, and he has a purpose. Or something.
Steel and his niece (not daughter; thanks, Oroboros) Natasha argue over her priorities, as she wants to be with the Teen Titans rather than help her father with the rescue efforts. He gives her a lecture, she runs away, he disables and dismantles her armor. She has to put it back together and presumably spend some time in time out.

Day 6
Unfortunately, I have no clue what’s going on for a whole page. Some little scientist is complaining about Captain Marvel being gone and rants about how science beats magic. He is then abducted by a lizardy guy and a hairy guy. Sorry, but I have no clue what that was all about. If you do know, please fill me in.
It’s the day of the memorial in Metropolis. People whom I recognize that show up:

Green Arrow
Black Canary
The Ray
Dr. Light
Power Girl
Black Lightning
Speedy (Arsenal, maybe? You kids and your name changes these days…)
Jay Garrick
Martian Manhunter
Shadowpact (all of ‘em, I think)
Bart Allen (not costumed)
Wonder Girl
Beast Boy
John Stewart
Guy Gardner
Hal (I think; no gray hair, but it looks like his costume)
There are a few more, but that’s all I recognized. Again, please feel free to fill in some gaps.
Anyway, they have their little soiree, and Booster is freaking out when the speech doesn’t start when it should. Clark Kent comes up to Booster and explains that the Big Three aren’t coming.
Day 7
The Question rips off the bat on the Bat Signal and spray-paints a question mark on it. Montoya has a little monologue about how she’s tired of losing partners, including a woman named Daria whom she drove away. I think we’re to assume Montoya and Daria were lovers, but no more. Then the Question shines the new signal on her window and says ‘Are you ready?’
And that’s the end of Week 1.
*****END SPOILERS*****
Sorry that was so long, but I think that’s a pretty decent summary of all that happened. I sure hope I don’t have to write these every week, but I will if nobody else steps in, just ‘cause I love you guys. All, y’know, 3 people who read this…
Anyway, feel free to add things I missed, and please leave a comment or two. It’s always nice to get feedback from people. You can also email me at aswindle@gmail.com if you’d like. And, as always, all previous posts are archived at meistersmusings.blogspot.com. Until next week, then. Tally-ho!
--The Almeister
Oh, thanks for clarifying that. Whoops. I've been getting into DC a lot more lately, but I'm still not caught up on everybody. Hence the gaps in my roster at the memorial and things like that. I'll make the change in the article. And it's nitpicky geeks like you that the comic is written for anyway, so correct me whenever you please.
The little scientist guy is Dr. Sivana. He's basically Captain Marvel's Luthor. I'm just about 100% sure that's who it is.
Cool summery though, keep up the good work.
The little guy is Dr. Sivvana(sp?, a Captian Marvel Villian.
Nice summary though, and I also hope DC will be able to keep up every week.
Well, I happen to be Cap'n Marvel-challenged, but I am starting to like Black Adam more and more. Rather than somebody like Wolverine, who is popular since he's SUPPOSED to be a badass, Bladam really is one. What with his disarming smile, and all.
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