My AIM Conversation With Geoff

This just happened about 4 minutes ago. It was pretty improptu, and went quickly, but I think it was worth a post. I wouldn't call it an interview but more of a conversation. Anyways, voila.

monk3ykn1fefight: ...Ey?
Geoff Johns: ?
monk3ykn1fefight: Your on my buddy list and I didn't know you were on it.
monk3ykn1fefight: Is this really you?
Geoff Johns: Yes.
monk3ykn1fefight: Amazing.
monk3ykn1fefight: How's it going?
Geoff Johns: Great. You?
Geoff Johns: Saturdays rule
monk3ykn1fefight: Agreed. Weathers been bad, but I like the rain.
Geoff Johns: Me too.
Geoff Johns: Good comic reading!
monk3ykn1fefight: Indeed.
monk3ykn1fefight: Especially when its thundering.
Geoff Johns: Yep
monk3ykn1fefight: Hey, since I'm talking to ya, can I ask you a few questions for a blog interview or something of that matter?
monk3ykn1fefight: We just started one up and it's been pretty fun.
Geoff Johns: Sure.
monk3ykn1fefight: Allrighty. Let me pull some questions from my mental hat.
monk3ykn1fefight: If there was one person or thing that influenced your writing the most, what would you say it would be?
Geoff Johns: Richard Donner. For being a mentor. I was around him for years before I started writing, listening to how he approached story and character.
monk3ykn1fefight: Donner is a hero to me, as well. He was involved in almost every great television series.
Geoff Johns: TOTALLY! How old are you?
monk3ykn1fefight: Heh, only 16.
monk3ykn1fefight: But I've got some Goonies and Get Smart love for my age.
monk3ykn1fefight: Oh! And the Banana Splits. That WAS my childhood.
Geoff Johns: Sweet.
monk3ykn1fefight: Okay. You've written pretty much every major character in the DCU, but which one would say is your favorite to write?
Geoff Johns: Stargirl. Always will be.
monk3ykn1fefight: Ol
monk3ykn1fefight: Whoops. Whitmore? I haven't most of her stuff.
monk3ykn1fefight: Just Young Justice and JSA.
Geoff Johns: That's all she's been around
monk3ykn1fefight: Really? Ah, well there is one that needs an ongoing.
monk3ykn1fefight: So, when your not writing, what other comics are you reading? Any indie material?
Geoff Johns: Yeah. Too many to list! I love comics.
monk3ykn1fefight: That's good. My list has slowly declined in recent months. Need some new stuff.
monk3ykn1fefight: Any titles you would like to write an issue you of or maybe try your hand at?
Geoff Johns: Ghost Rider
monk3ykn1fefight: What would you do with the character?
Geoff Johns: Something creepy and cool. ahahaha
monk3ykn1fefight: Heh, I'd like to see that.
monk3ykn1fefight: I just realize that if I put this on the blog, it'll be under someone's post about Infinite Crisis.
Geoff Johns: Is that good or bad/? hahaha
monk3ykn1fefight: It's a good one.
monk3ykn1fefight: You been getting much negative feedback?
Geoff Johns: On the internet? There's never negative feedback on the internet.
monk3ykn1fefight: That's true. It's a big box of love.
Geoff Johns: It's the warmest place in the galaxy.
Geoff Johns: hahaha
Geoff Johns: Next to antarctica.
Geoff Johns: But I love it.
monk3ykn1fefight: Of course.
Geoff Johns: The people I've met and talked to are awesome.
monk3ykn1fefight: Yeah, you've got an impressive forum.
monk3ykn1fefight: Any good films or music youve discovered lately?
Geoff Johns: Yeah. I just watched the BBC Office DVDs.
monk3ykn1fefight: Those are classic. The Brent dance was my icon for a while.
Geoff Johns: hahaha
Geoff Johns: awesome
monk3ykn1fefight: Hows the studio with Loeb and Hinburg going?
monk3ykn1fefight: Or Heinberg.
monk3ykn1fefight: Hindenberg?
Geoff Johns: Good. They are fun.
monk3ykn1fefight: You going to do another collab or something soon?
Geoff Johns: Not soon.
Geoff Johns: But hopefully.
monk3ykn1fefight: Rogue Wars was one of my favorite arcs in the past few years. Flash is going to really hurt without you.
Geoff Johns: Thanks.
Geoff Johns: I'm anxious to see what they do.
monk3ykn1fefight: As am I.
monk3ykn1fefight: I think you should write Green Arrow.
monk3ykn1fefight: That title needs to get better, since Ollie is my favorite character.
Geoff Johns: I love him.
monk3ykn1fefight: So what have you been up to recently that not about comics?
monk3ykn1fefight: Cause I know you've been busy.
Geoff Johns: I gotta cruise. Sorry!
monk3ykn1fefight: No prob.
monk3ykn1fefight: Adios.
Geoff Johns signed off at 9:40:19 PM.

There you have it.


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